Cold weather can keep homeowners cooped up inside for months, so why not use that time to take on some quick and easy DIY home repairs!
For homeowners who are not that handy, they can take on projects as simple as replacing the batteries in their carbon monoxide and smoke detectors or silencing squeaky door hinges by spraying a puff of powdered graphite on the hinge pins. Homeowners who have a bit more skill with a hammer can work on fixing creaky floorboards with specially designed screws or replace any brittle, cracked or damaged plugs and electrical cords.
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Check out HouseLogic’s December spotlight “Clever Cures for the Worst of Winter” for more information on home improvement projects to take on during the winter months. Speak with homeowners about projects they have completed and any information they wish they had known beforehand. Talk with a REALTOR® about what advice he or she would give a new homeowner interested in taking on DIY projects.
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