Can a Power of Attorney Change Ownership of Property?

An agent under a general power of attorney typically is permitted to make necessary improvements or repairs to a principal’s property, as long as doing so is not forbidden by the terms of the document.

In many cases, it is an agent’s responsibility to make improvements or repairs to the principal’s property, as they have a duty to preserve the principal’s assets. For example, if one of the principal’s properties contains mold, the agent may need to hire a mold removal company to get rid of it — particularly if the principal is incapacitated and cannot take care of this task on their own. 

When making necessary improvements/repairs to a principal’s property, the agent generally can use the principal’s assets to cover costs. 

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About the Author: Tony Ramos

Article Content Writer We write content articles for all businesses. We produce content that can include blog posts,website articles, landing pages, social media posts, and more. Reach out for more information to, "Best regards" Tony.

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